Friday, 13 July 2012

Bicester Regionals 2012

With a little over a week to go and with Olympic airspace restrictions coming into effect tonight preparations are still under way BGC's 2012 regional competition.

We have ~50 entries in two classes and some of the big names in UK competition are entered. The website is up and running and you can visit it here

The airfield is holding up really well considering the vast quantities of rain that have fallen and the facilities team are making sure all of the infrastructure is in place ready to go.

I will be updating the blog daily from a pilot flying the comp's point of view and the fact it is my first competition should make it all the more interesting.

All we need now is for the weather to play ball, long range forecasts are still decidedly unsure as to what the prevailing conditions will be, but 8/9 contest days last year will be a tough act to follow.

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