Monday, 23 March 2009

Thermals, wave and pea soup

Friday was fairly quiet, with only a few ab initios hitting the circuit, but all did lots and lots of flying.

Saturday was for the desperate and the brave, with K19 and KBS getting as far out as Stow on the Wold and back for 80km. The rest of us tried to stay in sight of the airfield in very hazy conditions. A certain Discus BT could be heard polluting the natural quiet of Bicester for quite some time....

Minoo Patel, who has recently joined us, flew his brand new ASG29 for the first time today. Shiney shiney! Want one.

Sunday was much better. Not really sure where everyone went, but some managed to contact wave to the west and Ken Hartley managed to climb to 7000ft. James Best converted to the Astir, Sal Cooper has now completed her cross country endorsement, and even John Wright, yes John Wright, flew SOLO in the club's Astir. Spending his own money - must have a new web design client again.

Richard Chapman had the best adventure of the day, with a trip down to and along the South Downs in his Ventus BT, achieving the out and return with only 13 minutes engine time.

Hopefully, we will be reporting some good flights on Tuesday...

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