Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Recent Weekends in February

The last couple of weekends have seen a lot of activity on getting the new bus ready for use. Seats have been repositioned and shampooed, tables fitted and work on the electrics is in progress. This has slowed up the re-decoration work on the briefing room, but the new ceiling tiles are in place, and the new lights will be fitted soon as well.

The team leaders for the bus and briefing room work have produced lists of things to be done, and volunteers are requested to help out on these jobs. Some jobs are straightforward and suitable for anyone to tackle, others require some technical skills, some even just require background research to be done. So don't be shy at coming forward, it's your club and this work is to give you an even more pleasant set of facilities to use.

On the flying side of things, we have averaged about 50 flights per day for each flyable weekend days this month. When the weather improves, we will probably see this figure increasing to our usual 80 - 100 flights per day at weekends.

Oxford Uni's recent winter recruitment drive has produced another dozen or so new faces, all keen to learn the mysteries of flying without an engine. Hopefully we'll be reporting some as new solo pilots in the not so distant future.

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