Thursday, 8 July 2010

Great weather, great flights and a soar nose

Pilots from Bicester have been soaring cross-country with great success recently.

Debbie Thomas took the little Ka6e on a 303km task, Bic - Oundle - Gloucester South - Bic, in 5hr 34mins (similar to the time some pilots in glass do their first 300km). This was on 25 June.

Then Nigel Gough, her partner's partner (it's complicated being a gliding girl), took the 18m Lak 17 round a 515km task a week later. I don't have all the details, but he achieved a faster speed than Debs.

Fran Aitken also got round 509km, in her LS8 (15m, no need for all that extra wing, Nigel).

Inspired by all this, Alan Smith flew the Ka6cr round a 140km task, in 2 hrs 20mins, on the same day as Nigel's flight.
Meanwhile Andy Smith has been doing 500km flights at a great rate in his little ASW28, and Jed Edevean and Terry Mitchell have done 500km as well in their big Nimbus 3s.

Several others have done large flights - visit the BGA Ladder to see them all

Speaking of soaring (or is it snoring or just sore), Rob Hatschek's nose took second place in an argument with a bit of wire, and he looked sooooo pretty with his patch, that a fan club formed and immediately decided to follow this new fashion trend.
Can't see it catching on myself.